Sunday, May 22, 2005

Would you believe...

...that Sean Estes and Juan Encarnacion are bailing my ass out in a big way right now in fantasy baseball? And given that, would you believe that I'm not in last place? With Scott Rolen on the DL right now, the cupboard is pretty bare when it comes to offensive production and the consistent effort from Encarnacion has been a huge boon. At least with the ol' pitching staff, I still have my boy Jake Peavy to carry the burden while Ben Sheets is down. That kid is just so frickin filthy. Still hasn't lost this year...let's see if he makes it to 3 losses all season. Still though, without solid efforts from guys like Estes and Victor Santos, I'd only have that one, or once in a while, two good starts from Peavy a week. And is there a more consistently underrated player, fantasy or otherwise, than Bobby Abreu? All this guy does is produce in every important category - runs, homers, rbi's, average and steals. You'd think that since there are about 5 guys left in baseball that are still allowed to steal bases, Abreu would get some more dap. I know I'd kill to have him on my team. (side note: has anyone ever gotten a high pick in a fantasy draft? who do you have to pay to get one?)

Other ramblings:

-What the hell is this garbage about NASCAR and some "all-star" race? Are you f'in serious? Shut the hell up and realize that your sport can't have a fucking all-star event. IT'S STILL THE SAME FUCKING DRIVERS. It's not as if only the best drivers get in, or one guy from Roush, Penske, DEI or whoever else gets picked. Guess who came in third in the damn thing. Yeah, you called it, NASCAR all-star Brian Vickers. Who? Exactly. And don't fucking act like you're hot shit and compare your all-star race thingy that the racers give a rats ass about to the ones no one cares about in real sports (y'know, that require athleticism and/or more than the ability to turn left), because you simply can't. Put some sort of fucking limit on who gets to race (qualifying? well gee, that's not at all like what you have to do for every other fucking race is it?), and then come talk.

-I can't believe I have to write an extended rant about Ricky fucking Williams. Wasn't this bullshit over with? He wants to come back...and Saban is going to fucking let him? Come the fuck on. This guy betrays all his teammates and you want to let him back into that locker room? You think they aren't going to let him get wrecked if he actually gets back on the field? This stunt better be a big act to up his trade value, because Ricky in Miami just is NOT going to work. Oh, and did I mention he currently weighs in at a buck 95? Good luck taking a pounding without any beef on you, dipshit.

-Lastly, color me hoping that the handful of moderate Republican senators (Collins, Snowe, Specter, Chafee, McCain, Hag...err...sellout, DeWine, Murkowski and co.) realize that this judicial filibuster nonsense is nothing more than a shortsighted partisan powerplay and has nothing to do with principle. These far right whackjobs led by BillJames FristDobson are unequivocal hypocrites on this one, and I sure hope the handful of Republicans still in full or partial possession of their brains/souls have the balls enough to call them on it.


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